Our Authors ![]() Brother Robert Sargent has been preaching the Word of God since 1968, and entered the Baptist ministry in 1971. In 1988 he and his family moved to the United States in order to serve as a pastor at Bible Baptist Church, Oak Harbor, Washington. Prior to this, Brother Sargent pastored independent Baptist churches in the Australian states of Victoria and Western Australia.
Publications written by Pastor Sargent include: Institute Curriculum: Baptist Doctrine New Testament Epistles The Life and Labors of Paul the Apostle Expository Bible Teaching Church History English Bible: Manuscript Evidence Bible Prophecy Pastoral Theology Baptist Church Polity Harmony of the Gospels Principles of Personal Evangelism Bible Preaching Discipleship Materials: The ABCs of Christian Growth For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ The ABCs of Christian Maturity Seven Keys for Your New Life in Christ Outlined Commentaries: Daniel Acts Revelation Doctrinal Issue Booklets: What? Me Join This Church? What? I Must be Rebaptized? What? I Must Be Invited? Elder Rule In a Baptist Church? The Sign Gifts The Rapture: A Timely Question Topical Bible Studies: Bible Characters Pastoral Manuals: Premarital Biblical Counseling Tracts: The Gospel Critical Questions What is a New Testament Church? Ten Bible Reasons for Church Attendance Pastor Sargent is currently involved in organizing and typesetting foreign-language translations of numbers of the Bible Baptist Church Publications materials. You may contact Brother Sargent at baptist@whidbey.net.