Principles of World Evangelism (eBook, Read Only)

Principles of World Evangelism (eBook, Read Only)

Product Details

Principles of World Evangelism

by: Robert J. Sargent.

This publication presents a comprehensive outlined Bible study into the principles and practices of New Testament evangelism, comparing them with the common, traditional methods of Baptist missions of the 21st century.

Moving "outside of the box, and into the Book," this study is sure to challenge much of the thinking and methodology of independent Baptist missions. It can be used for private or group study, for teaching adult and youth Sunday School classes, or it can be taught to an entire church body.

The topics covered in this volume are:

1. The Burden. 
2. The Vision. 
3. The Strategy. 
4. The Tactics. 
5. The Maneuvers. 

55 pages

Purchase of the digital version comes with READ ONLY capability.

Also available as a printed, spiral-bound book, CD-ROM and printable internet download.